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GoDaddy 2007 Super Bowl Ad : Marketing : Save 10% on your Order
Sat, 11 Aug 2007 15:19:41 +0000
Touchdown! Go Daddy finally gets the nod from CBS to run its third Superbowl ad submission, “The Office: Marketing.” See the ad that made the cut at Youtube .
You can save 10% on any order you make on Godaddy.
Domain Names, Promotional Codes
I doubt that I will ever get around to building my own datacenter, but if I do, it will not be close to a highway. Yep, the security implications that this event brings to the surface are disturbing.
Avoid Duplicate Content Penalties
Mon, 14 Apr 2008 07:08:33 GMT
While it may still be debatable whether all the major search engines currently employ a duplicate content penalty, all have made it abundantly clear that they do not have any desire to provide search results that rehash the same content over and over. Actively avoid any potential penalties by taking a proactive approach to building unique content.
While it is true that a site is most vulnerable when it is successful, this does not mean that a webmaster should be asleep until then.
Server Build Standards
Thu, 05 Jan 2006 00:00:00 EST
For a web hosting business the servers are pretty much the foundation of the business from a technical standpoint. If the servers go down the impact for the business can be severe.
Fremont, California - (The Hosting News) - June 2, 2008 - Web hosting services provider, WebhostSHIFT, has debuted the launch of a first-of-a-kind service, designed to reduce costs associated with customer churn.

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