Saturday, May 10, 2008

Document about uk web hosting

Document about uk web hosting

Using the You Get Signal “Reverse IP Domain Check,” you can see all of the other sites hosted on the same web server as a particular domain name. Try it.

Here’s more from… and story at Digg.

Support will be the number one consideration for people when choosing a web host. It will be obvious that traditional advertising will become less and less effective. Most people would rather opt for the web host based on things that they see and hear. Also based on the recommendations by those who have tried them and have proved to be a successful.

But, what is going to determine web hosting that is truly affordable? It cannot be only cost.

Ibee Web Hosting India

Fri, 18 Jan 2008 04:00:29 -0600
Ibee Web Solution Provider offers Web Hosting India, Website Designing hyderabad, Web Hosting Hyderabad, Web Development Company, Domain Name Registration

Finally no new year’s list for a hosting service should exclude blogging. The blog is probably the most powerful marketing tool ever invented. Online entrepreneurs who are not using this amazing tool to communicate their special qualifications to host a certain type of client. By using the right keywords and blogging strategy a web hosting service has a chance of getting an instant huge targeted audience.

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Friday, May 09, 2008

Top 10 isp web hosting

Current isp web hosting News

June 2004

Tue, 15 Jun 2004 14:36:51 -0400

Web Host Industry Review Magazine - June 2004Table of Contents

Worst Case Senario

Savvis Steps Up

Play Ball

Another Perspective

Utility Computing

Google's Gmail

Ix web hosting uptime for January 2008

Sun, 02 Mar 2008 08:17:23 +0000
Ix web hosting uptime for January 2008: 99.005% (over the Internet)
For the month of January 2008, the ix web hosting uptime recorded as 99% over the internet. This means the server uptime and network uptime would be much more than this figures. The ix uptime report below is taken from multiple remote location at various ...]

InterWorx-CP by Nexcess

Sun, 13 Mar 2005 00:00:00 EST
NEXCESS.NET began as simply a Web hosting provider, founded on the extensive software engineering knowledge of its staff, but the company soon found that it had developed so much qualiity software internally...

Hostican uptime for February 2008: 99.916% (over the Internet)

38.5 million people have put up their very first websites online this year 2006 alone. It is estimated that by 2008, the internet sales industry will top then dollar bank. And to think, majority of those sites will be offering different affiliate programs for people to choose and participate into.

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isp web hosting have always fascinated me. This is the initiative I needed in getting this article written on isp web hosting, to let this fascination fascinate others.

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Best web hosting industry review

Another Great web hosting industry review Article

Low Cost Web Hosting - BlueHost Review

Mon, 14 Apr 2008 15:12:38 EDT
BlueHost has been providing hosting solutions to thousands of business and personal web sites since 1996. Many hosting providers companies have come and disappeared since that time, but with their reliable service combined with friendly and patient support staff BlueHost sits comfortably among the best in the hosting business today.

Channel: Gadgets & Tech Tags: web hosting hosting low cost hosting low cost web hosting cheap web hosting multiple domain hosting web site hosting web space affordable web hosting web hosting review powweb review ipowerweb review lunarpages review globat review ixwebhosting review

Wouldn't It Be Great If There Were a ModernBill/StatCounter Mashup?

Mon, 19 Mar 2007 19:57:00 -0400

Over the past decade, I've bought and sold many millions worth of online ads. When I ran ISPcheck, I had no real answer for prospective advertisers who wanted to know what results my customers were able to achieve. And when I became responsible for RackShack/EV1's ad buys, I found that there was no easy way to measure ROI.

All I wanted to know at the time was how many visitors from TopHosts versus TheWHIR signed up. But as I've subsequently learned from Ted Smith at Peer 1, I should have been tracking customers throughout their lifecycle. If my cost per sale from Site A is 20% less than Site B, but the average account gets canceled 50% sooner, B would be a better long term investment.

A couple of weeks ago I convinced Ben Gabler at HostNine to install StatCounter, the better to look up new customers and find out where they came from, and which parts of HostNine's website they visited before deciding to sign up. (I've also used Clicktracks and Google Analytics, which provide aggregated data on visitor behavior, but don't allow you to drill down to each visitor's click path.) It just occur to me that it'd be very cool if this functionality were built into ModernBill.

Imagine being able to generate sales reports that tabulate order amounts against referring sources? Or pinpoint content on your site that's most-viewed by your most profitable new customers? Better yet, what if you could instantly compute the lifetime ROI from those $20 Google Adwords bids? Wouldn't you like to know if customers who clicked on your "cPanel hosting" ad stick around 3x longer than those who came through "cheap hosting"?

HostNine already gives all of its resellers free ModernBill licenses, and being able to automate signup/provisioning is awesome. But what if every $19.95 hosting plan came with a business intelligence system that delivers up-to-the-minute knowledge on what website copy and ad venues work? Wouldn't that be something?

AND, what if ModernBill could collect and publish aggregate, industry-wide data on how profitable TopHost-referred customers are, relative to those who came through TheWHIR? Having been on both sides of the table, I think that would really help both ad salespeople and media buyers.

Earlier this year, NGASI debuted the launch of its NGASI AppServer Manager 8.0, designed to automate multiple installations and configurations for Application Servers and Applications on a single server machine.

Magento Commerce Install Guide

Thu, 08 Nov 2007 11:20:32 +0000
This is a step-by-step tutorial on installing Magento Commerce on one of our Split-Shared hosting accounts. I was recently introduced to Magento in a pre-sales chat. Up until that chat, I had never heard about it, but decided to check it out.
I’ve personally used and recommended osCommerce whenever someone asked about a good shopping cart ...]

We Welcome Our First ‘Green’ Host -

Wed, 02 Apr 2008 02:57:32 +0000

I was recently approached by a hosting company to work with them as an affiliate and after visiting their website, found ThinkHost to have an interesting marketing message - that of an environmentally aware company who are carving themselves out a niche on the basis of a very common theme of concern amongst consumers nowadays.

Whether you are a believer in Global Warming and humankind’s effect on it or not, the fact is, this will doubtless appeal to a great number of people around the world. The company promise to plant a tree for every single customer they sign up and run their business on renewable energy resources. (wind and solar generated power)


They have been in the hosting business since 1999, so they are not a naive new start up with nothing but high ideals.

ThinkHost shared hosting packages come in at a very reasonable $7.95 monthly for which you will get, among other things, unlimited domains, unlimited databases and email accounts, 100Gb of storage and 1000 Gb of transfer. The features of the plan are comprehensive and they give a 100% uptime guarantee. Full details can be found at the website and we will be adding them to the main directory very soon.

Thinkhost coupon codes are available when you get to the homepage, and are not published elsewhere.

For other webmasters or affiliates interested in working with this hosting company, please visit the ThinkHost affiliate program for details of their attractive compensation plan.


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News about web hosting customer review

Today's web hosting customer review Article

How do i track the hits my website gets?

Fri, 25 May 2007 13:28:56 +0000
The first way to check hits is by server side scripts. These usually come provided by your host and are normally found on your control panel. These applications such as Awstats will produce reports every so often and show hits.
Another way is to use a hit counter script and place this on your website. This ...]

On the Wal-Mart-ized Web...

Fri, 16 Mar 2007 17:39:00 -0400

Liam says this week's most important trend is web hosting providers' continued expansion of data center footprints. The strong demand for hosting facilities seems like a good sign. At the same time, there are a number of outside-world developments that folks in the hosting business ought to keep an eye on.

1. On Wednesday, in addition to officially releasing RHEL5, Red Hat announced that it will soon launch an open source marketplace called Red Hat Exchange (RHX). As Business Week reports, Red Hat will guarantee the compatibility of RHX products with its platform AND provide tech support for each and every 3rd party product on the exchange. In addition, RHX will allow end users to submit ratings, read reviews and compare notes.

2. Later that afternoon, Microsoft said it will buy Tellme Networks. The Associated Press thinks the deal is worth $800 million to $1 billion.

3. Less than a day later, Cisco announced that it has agreed to acquire WebEx for $3.2 billion (or $2.9 billion, if you deduct WebEx's $300 million cash balance).

4. And last but not least Google sort of confirmed that it's working on a mobile phone.

It's a Wal-Mart-ized web; every Big Co wants to assemble a broader range of more seamlessly integrated products for a wider and better networked audience. This leaves less and less of a market for old school vendors who sell standalone widgets to isolated prospects.

For instance, consider 1&1's recent survey of 765 small business owners. Andreas says 100% of the respondents agree that the absence of a company website is bad for sales, but there's much more to these customers' operations beyond setting up a web presence. Might they not benefit from Zoho or ThinkFree powered productivity apps? SharePoint based collaboration? CRM?

More importantly, Andreas counts "hundreds of thousands of US small businesses" among his customers. As such, one super valuable feature that he's uniquely positioned to deliver is a 1&1 social network through which customers can connect with potential vendors, partners and buyers. I feel like 1&1 is really missing out by amassing a sizable community without leveraging it for its members' benefit.

As SWSoft CEO Serguei Beloussov likes to point out, 1&1 and its competitors have sold tens of millions of "web hosting 1.0" accounts, which collectively generate billions in annual revenue. He's absolutely right - but as you see above, the world's not standing still...

It was decided to switch on the nofollow attribute for all external links in the English Wikipedia. This has been an option for a while, and it was done now because of an influx of spam and talk of an SEO competition targeting Wikipedia. Whether it will stay this way for a while or indeed permanently, no one is really sure. If some links have not changed, I believe this is due to WP’s caching system, and they will be nofollow soon.

5 htaccess Tricks Every Webmaster Should Know

Thu, 24 Apr 2008 12:38:10 GMT
Here are 5 sets of .htaccess directives every webmaster should know.

When Lightning Strikes

Sun, 17 Feb 2008 05:19:05 +0000
Just sharing a personal experience that happened somewhere around 8:30 PM CST.  So give or take it was a couple of hours ago. The weather has been crappy all day but there were no indications that what happened would happen.

Like I do most of the time I was setting at my desk working. ...]

HSPcomplete CPU Usage Reporting Madness

Thu, 14 Feb 2008 17:31:18 +1100

HSPcomplete resource usage I do have a Virtuozzo VPS hosted in Melbourne, and the hosting company provides HSP complete control panel for me to login and view and change my account details. The column on the left also reports the resource usage of your VPS, showing you total traffic, amount of disk space, and the current “CPU usage”.

As you can see my VPS is currently using up 53% of CPU resource, out of 100% that is available. No wonder why my VPS feels so slow. However, when I actually jumped onto the VE and have a look, my processes weren’t using much CPU at all! vmstat shows my user and sys has always been under 5% combined (and under 2% most of the time). Type in upload shows that it is my 1 minute load average that is hovering around 0.5. HSP complete just conveniently interpreted to end user that VPS has used 50% of CPU resource, without trying to explain what load average is. That’s mad.

Hostican web hosting is the very few hosting provider that perfectly met the above criteria. The best part is that the hostican server uptime is very good, even for a shared hosting server. Once you have your forum setup, regardless its a phpbb2 forum, smf forum, or vbulletin forum, you can place it at the hostican shared hosting as its forum script supported.

We give you the authority to voice your opinions on this article on web hosting customer review. However, we do fervently hope that you voice positive opinions.

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Thursday, May 08, 2008

Compare web hosting company

News about web hosting company

December 2004

Wed, 15 Dec 2004 13:43:59 -0400

Web Host Industry Review Magazine - January/February 2005Table of Contents

Return of the ASP

Microsoft Takes Aim

Hosting BitTorrent

European Report

Hosting Microsoft Exchange

Data Center Start-Ups

Go to

Tomorrows Tax Day, Don't Pay, I'm Certain

Mon, 14 Apr 2008 11:50:00 -0400
“Certainty? In this world nothing is certain but death and taxes.” Except for not patenting electricity Benjamin Franklin is usually correct.

In regards to the life cycle of your web hosting company his timing is impeccable.

Your company should do everything possible not to pay taxes. You can either give it to the government, great benefit there, or grow your business and hence the economy. Hire more employees (let them pay taxes), spend money on capital equipment and that whole channel line pays taxes. But remember you don’t want your company to pay taxes. Not on April 15th.

Smart and profitable industrialists, hopefully like you, avoid taxes. That is one of the commanding reasons for acquiring a business. Most web host firms have lousy balance sheets. They have depreciated the assets and have nothing to shield profits, they pay taxes.

I always find it sort of magical that you can acquire an asset (buy a company) that was fully depreciated yesterday, put it on your balance sheet today (stepping up the assets as accounts say) and voila! you have a complete new depreciation schedule protecting your cash. Sort of like asparagus cropping up in the spring, where did that come from?

So you say…“I am profitable but don’t have any money to make an acquisition Tom”. Even a better reason to take out a government loan. That is exactly what not paying taxes is, a differed no interest loan from the government. And if you screw up sort of risk free.

Now Ben was correct…nothing is certain but death and taxes. In your case the death of your company. Don’t frown, this is just the end of the investment period…maybe the buyer of your company will keep the name, who cares?…your out. Now you want to pay a lot of taxes, big time taxes. You have taken those government loans and parlayed them into your success. As Franklin said taxes were certain, he just did not state when.

More about Tom:

New Commerce Communications

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server 4 is up again

Tue, 16 Oct 2007 00:25:35 +0200

The other side of the coin is though that there are some

registrars that give most extensive guarantees against

unnecessary domain name suspension. You can READ THE



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Low Cost Web Hosting - Dot5Hosting Review

Mon, 14 Apr 2008 15:16:13 EDT
Dot5Hosting offers one web hosting package at $4.95 per month. At Dot5Hosting, they provide the perfect combination of quality web hosting solution, excellent customer care and great pricing. Dot5Hosting's web hosting plan includes bonus features as well as some free features making the it a better value for money.

Channel: Gadgets & Tech Tags: web hosting hosting low cost hosting low cost web hosting cheap web hosting multiple domain hosting web site hosting web space affordable web hosting web hosting review powweb review ipowerweb review lunarpages review globat review ixwebhosting review

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